Thursday, December 13, 2007

Life In The B.D. Lane - Surely Make You Lose Your Mind

As in "Before Disney".

I'm not sure what my goals are for Disney anymore. I don't need to PR, but it would be nice to not exceed my worst time (what's the opposite of PR?). I've got a beat on a new plan to boost my running hopefully, which will be revealed in due course, but I gotta get beyond Disney first.

In the meantime, just supposing you had to travel from Dallas to Orlando for a marathon, and wanted to give yourself ample time to get there, get situated, get expo'd, get RBF'd, get coffee, get sleep, and wake up for a 6:00 AM start (what the?), what's the quickest route to get there?

Answer? You make your flight reservations months in advance to fly in Thursday, rest up Friday and Saturday, and race Sunday, right?


The right answer - you get scheduled for a meeting all the way over in f***ing SEATTLE from 3-5PM PST on f***ing FRIDAY so you can take the f***ing RED-EYE to Miami and hop over to Orlando by f***ing lunchtime Saturday!

I gotta stop taking speech therapy from Bex.


Anne said...

Ah, the rub of the frequent flier miles. At least the Disney start is very early, so you'll already be acclimated.

Rhea said...

Dude! I hate when work gets in the way of running. Which, as we know, can happen regularly. Re my tendency to curse like a sailor: E. says I have a potty mouth. Too true. I think it's from too many years in the newsroom with lots of old-school reporters who can cuss a blue streak and drink you under the table while doing it.

jeanne said...

what's the opposite of PR? PB baby!

sleep on the plane. and i don't believe in jet lag. and this way you can't possibly wear out your legs by doing something foolish like running too much!

me=always looking on the bright side.

Runner Susan said...

good grief Rich.

Black Knight said...

There is a very good way to rest before a race:make an Alitalia flight reservations months in advance and on the race day they will be in strike, so you can take all the time to rest at......home or in the airport.

Deene said...

damn work!! good luck getting some sleep on the redeye.

susie said...

Yeah, but sometimes that speech therapy is all that gets you through. Here's hopin'....

Jess said...

Uff, that sucks with the flights!

And it's called a PW -- personal worst.

David said...

Well that all s**ks. I hope we'll still get to see each other. Stupid work. Tell Seattle to get his butt to Orlando for the meeting!

Unknown said...

"what's the opposite of PR?"

How about a RP --- Reasonable Performance.

Sucky flight schedule.