Thursday, January 10, 2008


Ever since I hit "publish" on my last post, I feel like I've swallowed a frog and it's stuck in my throat. No amount of hacking or ahem-ing has shoo-ed it away, but I've been feeding it Airborne like there's no tomorrow. The jinx is on.

I'm slowly making my way to Orlando. Detour via Washington DC. With an unexpected hour to kill before a carbo loading dinner here, I ran 2 miles from Dupont Circle to the White House and 2 miles back. Last run before race day. It was easy peasy. There's the jinx again. I laugh in the face of danger. HA HA HA HA HA!


Ryan V. said...

Good luck, amigo!

Deene said...

ha ha ha all the way to the finish!! be well and we'll be waiting for your report.

David said...

come on down. the weather's fine.

peter said...

Have a fabulous WDWM. Airborne?

Unknown said...

Just getting caught up. Will read these posts in order...

Oh no! Jinx!