Friday, October 28, 2005

An Alternate Time Zone Named Susan

After two failed attempts the past two mornings, I finally made it out my front door at 6:00 am this morning. Stepping out into the dark, quiet morning, it was refreshing to breathe in the cool 50F air. The stars were brilliant, and a crescent moon cast a faint glow. The setting was perfect in almost every way.

As I ran, I thought about how great this feeling is, but also how hard it is for me to get up early enough to do this. I'm amazed at everyone else's stories about pre-dawn runs, and lately I'm reading about Susan's
5AM runs, and then her 4AM runs! What's next - 3AM sleep-running runs?! 2AM runners anonymous meetings? 1 AM last call runs?

I'm convinced Susan and some of you are in an alternate (twilight?) time zone that I'll never achieve. I'll call it SST (Susan Standard Time). No matter where you are, if you're on SST, you're 2 hours ahead of everyone else!


Thomas said...

I know exactly what you mean, running under the crescent moon and the stars. I had exactly the same kind of run on Friday, although it was on the other side of the Atlantic.
As for getting up early, all you need is to feel very guilty all day whenever you miss a run, then you'll definitely get up early next time the alarm goes.

E-Speed said...

HaHa. I TOTALLY agree. I am having an extremely rough time getting up before 8AM even!

Anne said...

As one of those early-morning runners who once DID get up at 4 a.m. to escape summer heat, I can tell you nothing beats it provided you're running in a safe place. Just don't ask us to do anything, including staying awake, past 9 in the evening....

Jack said...

SST, that's good! I find the fresh, crisp morning air invigorating. You just have to watch out for branches, trees and ghosts along the way;-)

Anne said...

OK, Rich. On a totally different subject than your post:

My beloved Hokies handed your Longhorns a gift tonight. Now, go and annihilate the University of Spoiled Children for all who will never get the chance. Not this year, at least.